28 February 2013

Hurul 'Ain binti Mohd Fuad

Hurul 'Ain ... only a few days old. She was born on February 4, 2013

My youngest child and she would be the last after four cesaerean cases. Alhamdullillah, Allah helped me through the way having the surgery process although it was quite painful. If I could recall the C-section experience (for the last time)...

I went to Kuantan Medical Centre (KMC) Kuantan at 12pm with all the other children (Haziq, Hadif and Hakim) and of course my husband who drove the car. I was scheduled for cesaerean at 2.30pm. Once I got there, I was told to go to level 2, Wad Melur (if I was not mistaken). There, I was given a cloth to change and a room. The room was not permanent since I booked for a single room not a sharing room. The nurse did some small check-up. She told me she wanted me to put on a urine bag. Since I haven't performed zuhur prayer, she told me she or perhaps some other nurses would be doing it after the surgery. She wanted to take my blood but she couldn't fine the correct area ... thus, this  process was painful. Finally she told me the doctor will be taking care of those two procedures. Despite that, I disguised the way she addressed me - with 'awak'. She could at least addressed me with 'kakak' or 'puan' since she was younger than me. I am sensitive with how people address you because I would address people with 'puan' if it is official.

That was only the starter.. I didn't complain for I knew things had not started yet. Two other nurses then sent me to the operation theatre at almost 3 o'clock. Before sending me to the room, I performed my Zuhur prayer at the surau near the room I was allocated. I pray to Allah asking Him that the operation/ surgery will be smooth (although I had in mind that it would perhaps be a little painful- I couldn't stop thinking about this). Right after that,they took me to the operation theatre.  They told me to lie on a bed with four small tyres on it. Using the bed, I was moved to level 1 i.e to the operation theatre room. There, I was told to sign a few documents. These are the agreement for Bilateral Tubal Ligation/ BTL (ikat peranakan) and cesaerean. They were a little bit chaos because the nurses I mentioned ealier didn't request me to sign the documents. Since the doctor i.e. Dr Suriyati who would handle my case (I referred to her for my medical check-up) was there, she required me to sign the docs. My husband was told to sign the documents also.

After this, I was bought to the actual operation theatre where you can see some machines/ equipment for surgery. I was a little bit panic but my mouth, in silence, keep on remembering God with zikr. The first process started with having anaesthetic procedure. It went okay. Then later, the nurses did something. At this point of time I was not sure what the procedures were since my lower body was covered with a cloth. Later, came Dr. Suriyati, the obstetrics & gynaecology [O & G doctor]. She began the C-section procedure where my baby was taken out through my abdomen. I was still okay when she cut my lower and upper skin's stomach. I could even heard Hurul 'Ain's (my daughter) voice ...alhmadulillah, things went well so far. The came the later procedure to attach/ sew my upper and lower skins. I was told by Dr. Suriyati that both of my skins' parts were badly damaged. I was not surprised for this was the fourth time the same area was cut. This was the stage (the sewing I guess) where I considered painful until the the Anasthesiologist (doktor bius - I saluted him for his politeness and courteous) gave me an injection. I could not bear the pain any longer. Right after he injected me, I felt asleep. God knew what were the next procedures.

After the surgery, it was painful to move ..even to turn my body from left to right. What more to get up from the bed. Through out my stay in KMC, the nurses helped me to move. At least to bath me on the bed). Moreover, Dr. Suriyati told me to do a little movements. This was to ensure that my blood vessels would not be swelling. Alhamdulillah, I tried to walk slowly (moving from the room's door on the right to the room's window on the left) until I managed to get up from bed alone. I was in the hospital for 3 nights. Once I was discharged from the hospital, the doctor gave me pain killers (couldn't remember the name) and with some other pills. With those pills, I was able to move here and there in the house. The pain was still there (even today) but Alhamdulillah I can do my chores (for instance cooking, sweeping [although some people said this was not good], and etc). Together with the pain killers I took Harwany Pati Ikan Haruan (black fish essence of Harwany product). I am recovering... I was very thankful to Allah for my prayers to have a daughter was fulfilled. I am determine to ensure that all my children will be soleh and solehah for they are the amanah from Him. Amiin

Ikan sembilang goreng berlada

First time siang n masak ikan sembilang

The other day I went to Tunas Manja after fetching Haziq and Hadif return from KAFA. The intention is to ensure that I will not be buying grocery for at least a week. So, I bought some fish, vegetables, food for the kids and others. My children were so interested looking at the cat fish that were put/ place in a container. The fish were still alive. I decided to try this recipe just to see whether or not they would be eating the fish. Would my 9, 7 and 4 years old kids eat the fish--- this thought was the reason I bought the fish. Having done cooking on that day, I told them this was the fish they so at the supermarket. They showed faces and none of them would want to try eating the fish!  Lets take a look at the ingredients and cooking method

  1. 2 cat fish/ ikan sembilang 
  2. 5 tbs of cili giling 
  3. a pinch of salt 
  4. 2 tbs of sugar 
  5. a little bit of shrimp paste (belacan) 
  6. oil for cooking 
  7. onion and garlic that are sliced 
Cooking methods
  1. Wash the cat fish. You may clean the fish using tamarind just. Apply the juice onto the fish and then rinse it. Perhaps you also want to use lime to get rid of the fish smell. Then  put aside.
  2. Turn on the stove. 
  3. In a wok, pour cooking oil.
  4. Then put the fish. Only small quantity of oil. If you like deep fry, you can do the reverse to my cooking. Whatever your choice is, fry it until it is golden. After it is fried, put it aside.
  5. Now it's time to saute. Pour a little bit of cooking oil. Once it is hot, add in cili giling, salt, sugar, shrimp paste, onion and garlic that are sliced. Mix them well. 
  6. Finally, put in the fish again. Mix the fish with ingredients in step 5 before turning off the stove.

lempung/paru goreng berlada

 Tinggal banyak ni je lg.. amik gambar keesokan harinya

Ini first posting saya lepas selamat bersalinkan anak perempuan saya yang kami namakan Hurul 'Ain. Alhamdulillah proses pembedahan berakhir selepas 45 minit terbaring di atas tempat pembedahan tu. Bertemankan Dr. Suriyati, pakar/ doktor bius, bidan, dan beberapa jururawat. Saya bersalin di Kuantan Medical Centre. Saya pilih hospital ni sbb doktor perempuan yang merawat dan membedah kita. Anak ketiga dan anak terakhir saya bersalin kat situ atas faktor doktor perempuan. Alhamdulillah, segalanya berjalan dengan lancar walaupun kes cesaerean kali ke-4 ni agak sakit sedikit sehingga pakar/ doktor bius berikan suntikan untuk tidur. Saya sebenarnya menahan kesakitan dan ini disedari oleh Dr. Suriyati. Oleh kerana itu, pakar/ doktor bius tu berilah suntikan dan saya hanya sedar selepas pembedahan dimana suami mengejutkan saya (masa tu dalam bilik pembedahan lagi). Alhamdulillah juga saya sempat dengar suara anak saya nangis selepas dikeluarkan dari perut ibunya... bunyinya kuat bukan kepalang. Tersentak mungkin bila ditarik sebab mungkin sedang nyenyak tidur, wallahu'alam. Panjang sangat cerita ni..baiklah terus kepada resepi ni. 

  1. 500 gm paru 
  2. 1 senduk cili kasar
  3. 1-2 biji bawang besar - mayang
  4. 2 ulas bawang putih - mayang
  5. garam
  6. gula 
  7. air asam jawa 

1. Cuci bersih paru untuk direbus hingga agak empuk.
2. Hiris nipis paru tadi dan goreng agak garing. Toskan minyaknya. Ketepikan.
3. Panaskan minyak dalam kuali dan tumiskan bahan-bahan kisar hingga naik bau.
4. Masukkan air asam jawa, kacau sebati.
5. Bila pecah minyak masukkan garam dan gula. Kacau lagi.
6. Masukkan paru yang sudah digoreng tadi dan gaul dengan sambal lada secara merata.
7. Masak hingga mesra dan masukkan bawang holland hiris. Kacau rata, biar seketika dan bolehlah dihidangkan.

24 November 2012

Nasi hujan panas yg Minimalis

 Nasi hujan panas yang baru dimasak. Hanya beras biasa digunakan (keluaran Faeza).

Saya bawa bekal ke pejabat (utk mkn tghari)

Saya tengok utk masak nasi hujan panas ni, biasanya tukang masak atau blogger akan gunakan beras basmathi. Memang hasilnya cantik tapi kalau semata-mata nak guna beras tu utk masak nasi utk saty pot beras jer, saya rasa memadai pakai beras yg biasa kita makan utk nasi putih. Lbh pun, tiada beras basmathi tidak perlu membantutkan hajat nak makan nasi hujan panas. Itu pendapat saya. Kebetulan memang saya ada pelbagai bancuhan warna kat rumah. Jadi, utk gabungkan hanya 2 warna bagi menghasilkan nasi ini tidak menjadi masalah. 

Dan lagi, saya tak ada bahan hiasan yg cukup utk menyerikan nasi ini. Takde gajus, kismis dan sebagainya. Tapi itu semua tak dapat menghalang saya untuk menyediakan nasi hujan panas yang serba kekurangan ni (hence, the name Nasi hujan panas yg Minimalis). Jom perhatikan bahan-bahannya. 

  1. 1 1/2 pot beras Faeza 
  2. 2 1/2 cawan air (guna cawan/pot yg sama yg digunakan utk menyukat beras utk elakkan nasi antah atau terlalu lembik) 
  3. 1 helai daun pandan -siat dan simpul
  4. 3 biji labu bawang putih  (mayang)
  5. 1 labu bawang besar (mayang)
  6. 1 btg kulit kayu manis
  7. 2 kuntum bunga lawang 
  8. pewarna merah dan hijau 
  9. 2 sdb mentega (saya guna mentega keluaran FELDA) 

Sekarang jom tengok pula cara nak buat. 
  1. Basuh beras. Tos dan ketepikan 
  2. Dah tu ambil rice cooker, 'on', kemudian masukkan mentega
  3. Bila dah panas sedikit, masukkan bahan tumisan iaitu bawang putih & bawang besar yg telah dimayang 
  4. Biarkan sehingga naik bau
  5. Kemudian masukkan beras 
  6. Tambahkan air 
  7. Masukkan pula daun pandan
  8. Mungkin dalam 15 minit depending on the rice cooker you use, nasi akan masak.
  9. Buat 2 lubang pada nasi yg telah masak tu. Satu utk letak pewarna hijau dan lagi satu pewarna merah
  10. Ambil sudu atau gunakan tudung pewarna dan masukkan pewarna memenuhi tudung tersebut.
  11. Letakkan exactly kat lubang yg telah dibuat pada nasi
  12. Ambil 2 batang garfu dan kacau-kacau pewarna dan nasi. Lain perkataan gemburkan nasi bersama dengan warna tersebut gunakan garfu. Lebih elok kalau bila kita kacau, kita buat 2 part. Satu part utk kacau pewarna hijau, vise versa. Nanti pewarna akan lbh sekata tak de la tiba2 terlebih hijau atau merah
  13. Demikianlah steps yg perlu diambil utk masak nasi ni. 

Note: Oh ya utk lihat bagaimana nak masak kari dan ayam masak merah (spt dalam Pic.2), browse kedua-dua resepi ni dalam kotak 'search' disebelah kanan atas blog ni. Atau tgk entry Chicken curry with vegetable. Utk ayam tu ada di entry bertajuk 'Lauk'. SELAMAT MENCUBA hidangan ringkas ini. 

Rendang ayam

Rendang ayam masak utk raya haji 2012

Oleh kerana tiada adik beradik ipar yang balik kerumah arwah mentua yg sy duduki ni, takdelah gotong royong utk memasak bersama-sama. Tapi yang penting, juadah 'core' macam rendang, nasi impit dan kuah nasi impit tetap saya sediakan. Ini pun utk makan di hari raya juga. Sambutan raya haji ni istimewanya kita dapat dengar takbir lebih dari satu hari. Takbir utk raya haji bermula subuh hari ke 9 zulhijjan dan berakhir asar hari ke 13 zulhijjah (sumber: Ustaz Love Menulis). Hanya seorang je family member hubby yang balik ... Farid; yg tinggal kat Pasir Gudang. 

Utk resipi ni, saya letak kerisik. Last time saya buat, saya tak letak kerisik. Tapi bahan2 yg digunakan tetap sama. Utk tengok resepi ni copy/paste URL ni - http://maklangrecipesgalore.blogspot.com/2011/11/rendang-ayam.html - tak susah masak rendang sbb semua bahan kita masukkan sekali dan tunggu hingga kering. Saya suka letak extra daun purut dan daun kunyit. Ini utk meng'aroma'kan rendang.
ermula selepas Subuh hari ke 9 Zulhijjah dan berakhir selepas Asar hari ke 13 Zulhijjah.

Read more: http://ustazlove.com/blog/2011/11/takbir-raya-aidil-adha-haji-korban/#ixzz2D7nSAIgY
ermula selepas Subuh hari ke 9 Zulhijjah dan berakhir selepas Asar hari ke 13 Zulhijjah.

Read more: http://ustazlove.com/blog/2011/11/takbir-raya-aidil-adha-haji-korban/#ixzz2D7nSAIgY

Kek Marble

Bancuhan warna pilihan saya: cokelat, pink, biru, hijau dan lg satu... 

.... kuning

setelah di'layer'...ia akan jadi macam gini 

masak dah.... 

bila potong dua nampaklah hasilnya spt ini...mcm butterfly wings

masih panas2... anak2 nak rasa potong ler kecil2...

Ini first time saya buat kek marble setelah lama mem'browse' macamana org bole buat kek yg ada layer cantik2. So, sy terpanggil utk mencuba resepi kek marble ni. Dan rata-rata saya tengok bila guna warna terang, kek akan lbh menyerlah. Resepi ni pula saya dapat dari Kak Chik... tapi saya modify ikut bahan-bahan yg saya ada dalam rumah. 

  1. 5 biji telur saiz sederhana 
  2. 250 kiub mentega (sy guna Farmcows)
  3. pelbagai pewarna
  4. 1 1/2 cawan gula castor yg telah dimesin sbb nak lbh halus (boleh kurangkan gula jika nak)
  5. 2 cawan tepung gandum yg diayak 
  6. 1 sudu kecil baking powder
  7. sedikit esen vanilla
 Cara nak bake kek ni.
  1. Tepung perlu diayak bersama baking powder
  2. Mix mentega,  gula dan esen vanilla hingga kembang gunakan mixer.
  3. Masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji kedalam mixer
  4. Kemudian masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit hingga habis 
  5. Lepas tu asingkan tepung yg telah dikisar kpd 5 bhg sebab nak bancuh gunakan pewarna 
  6. Ambil loyang yg telah dilapis dgn kertas A4 (takde kertas minyak u) dan dilesek mentega
  7. Skrg boleh mulakan buat lapisan. Saya start membuat layer dibahagian tengah loyang. Buat satu lapisan kemudian lapiskan lagi satu bancuhan warna diatas lapisan pertama yg telah dibuat. Begitulah seterusnya. Saya buat lapisan memenuhi loyang ... org lain buat cara lain. Cara saya buat mungkin tak bagus ... tapi apa yg penting mesti buat satu lapisan demi lapisan 
  8. Dah siap buat niakar pd suhu 180C selama 45 min [standard suhu] atau sehingga masak. Suhu oven bergantung kpd oven masing-masing. Oven saya oven lama. So, tak silap saya masak dalam 1 jam lebih kut. 

Popia goreng guna mix vege.

Tumiskan kentang yg telah dipotong dadu

Masukkan mix vege. 

Letakkan inti yg telah dimasak ditengah-tengah 

Popia yg dah siap digulung dan sedia utk digoreng 

Goreng dgn minyak yg sedikit

Dah siap ...

Saya sediakan popia ni sebab hari tu Hadif; anak kedua makan sungguh-sungguh kuih yg saya beli kat cafe pejabat. So, saya buatlah utk dia makan. Tapi dia plak tak makan ... macam-macam. Anak saya yg sulung dan ketiga je yg makan. Saya perasan, yg dibeli dicafe tu, guna taugeh tapi saya guna mix vege. Tak tau ler ..dia mmg memilih sikit kalau bab2 makan ni. Alih-alih kalau makanan yg tak berabis tu saya ler yg kena habiskan utk elak dr membazir. Penyediaan utk buat kuih ni sememangnya senang.

  1. 10 kulit popia 
  2. sedikit mix vegetable
  3. garam secukup rasa
  4. minyak utk menggoreng 
  5. 2 biji kentang dipotong dadu 
  6. Telur utk kepilkan inti  (saya guna air paip jer) 

Cara nak sediakan inti:
  1. Potong dadu 2 biji kentang. Ketepikan 
  2. Potong dadu bawang besar dan bawang putih (ikut ler nak byk/ sikit mana)
  3. Dalam kuali, letakkan sedikit minyak. 
  4. Tumiskan bawang besar dan bawang putih (bahan #2) 
  5. Masukkan kentang. Biarkan sedikit empuk 
  6. Kemudian masukkan mix vege. 
  7. Gaulkan bahan ini. Kemudian masukkan garam. Gaulkan sedikit lagi utk 'mesrakan' bahan ni. 
  8. Ketepikan 

Cara nak masukkan inti dalam kulit popia:
  1. Nyah bekukan kulit popia dengan menggunakan tuala lembap
  2. Pisahkan satu persatu
  3. Bentangkan kulit popia atas meja/ flat surface
  4. Letakkan inti ditengah-tengah kulit popia 
  5. Ambil hujung/ bucu salah satu kulit popia sehingga menutupi inti 
  6. Kemudian gulungkan 
  7. Untuk kemaskan gulungan, finishing perlu disapukan sedikit telur
  8. Sedia untuk digoreng dengan minyak yg sedikit.