Fried banana
Fried banana with soy bean condiment
Pisang tanduk
I am not sure to categorise the fried banana in which category. It doesn't sound right if it was categorised for kuih muih. But, it seemed appropriate if I put it under minum petang or food for afternoon tea. But what about doughnuts or pizza? Those are also eaten in the afternoon in the house. A puzzle that is not worth solving at the moment. Best of all, fried banana fits into both categories. I didn't use rice flour in the recipe like the one sold in many kedai goreng pisang (though I have it in the kitchen). Here's the recipe:
- 1 banana of medium ripe (I use 1 pisang tanduk. Above is the picture)
- 10 tbsp of flour
- 1 egg
- some water (depends on how much you want it to be concentrated)
- a pinch of salt
- Oil for cooking
- In a bowl, put flour, egg
- Add in water
- Add in salt
- Stir the mixture
- Dip banana into the mixture
- Then fry it
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