
31 December 2011

Fried banana with sugar

 the bananas before spreading sugar on it

 the fried banana with sugar

just perfect for an afternoon tea

Kuih keria

  1. 2-3 sweet potato
  2. 1/2 - 1 cup of flour 
  3. 1 cup of sugar for coating the kuih 
  4. 5-7 tbsp of water
Preparation procedure A
  1. peel the sweet potatoes - boil the the sweet potatoes - mash the sweet potatoes  
  2. Then add in flour 
  3. Mix it until it is ready to be shaped into small ball (it depends on how small you want it to be)
  4. Flatten the ball, made a hole in the middle of the dough, and shape it like a donut shape 
  5. Heat oil in a wok, deep fry sweet potato ring over medium flame till golden brown. Dish out and drain
Preparation procedure B
  1. In coating kuih keria, pour in sugar in a wok
  2. Then add in water (make sure that you don't use that much water or else the coat wouldn't be like the one you see in the pictures)
  3. Let it cook until you can see small bubble (this is very important) 
  4. Add fried sweet potato ring and coat well.

Puding Raja and Jala Mas

I use old diaper to get only the egg yolk. I bought the diaper but never use it.
It looks like it is perfect to seperate the egg yolk from the white one.

The egg yolk 

The jala mas

I got this much for 2 kilos of bananas

Puding raja with its garnishing

From another angle...

the gravy

I prepared the puding raja and jala mas since my friend ordered it. She said it was for her daughter who is pregnant. Her daughter has an appetite to eat the dish. I refused to prepare it but considering the reason mentioned, I prepared it also. I got up early in the morning; 4 am just to ensure that I could deliver it to her at 9.00am on that day. I didn't take any payment for the work done (my husband required me not to do so). So, I just asked her the money I spent in buying the ingredients. She gave me a double pay when she paid me the other day, alhamdulillah...

a) Ingredients for the puding raja
  1. 2 kilos of pisang raja (this is the most suitable banana for this dish)
  2. oil for frying
  3. For garnishing you need: cherries (red and green), raisins, cashew nuts (that you fry without oil for a while) and prunes 
Preparation procedure for the puding raja

In a wok, pour in the oil. When the oil is heated, fry the bananas until golden brown. Drain and dry. Then, put them aside to cold

b) Ingredients for the jala mas
  1. 20 eggs yolk
  2. 1 and a half cup of sugar 
  3. 2 cups of water
  4. banana leaves (shape them like ice-cream cones with very very small hole below them. Make 2-4 because they might be broken during the process of 'menjala' later). If they are big, they  turned out to be quite ugly just like the the jala mas you see in picture 4 (the container in the first and second row on the left)
Preparation procedure for the jala mas

Seperate the egg yolk from the white. Stir it slowly. In a wok, pour in the water and sugar. When there are bubles surfacing the mixture (of water and sugar, hereinafter called syrup), take the banana leave that you have made into an ice-cream cone like shape. In a circle motion, move the ice-cream cone like shape in the wok.  Look at the picture below at how you need to to move the leave, just like forming mosquito coil. The smaller the gap between each layer, the better. p/s: When the syrup is thick during this process, pour in hot water

c) Ingredients for the gravy
  1. 1 can of evaporated milk (I use Saji brand)
  2. 1 can of water (you use the evaporated milk can to measure the water) 
  3. 1/2 cup of sugar (I you can extra sugar if you want the gravy to be much sweeter)
Preparation procedure for the gravy

In a cooking pot, pour in the evaporated milk. Then add water. And finally add in sugar. Let it boil before turning off the stove. Make sure you always stir it to avoid the mixture to form bubbles. You may also put screw pine leave for fragrant if you like. But I don't put.  It was still dark outside so I didn't dare go and pluck it.

Serving the puding raja

In a bowl, arrange the bananas. Then put prunes on top of them. Then spread raisins, cherries and cashew nuts. After that, spread the jala mas on these ingredients. Then, pour in the gravy. It is sufficient that you pour it to cover the ingredients mentioned. Serve it cold (perhaps you can store the gravy in the fridge for a while before serving). Happy trying..

    Jemput udang kering/ jemput masin

    Pic. 1: The ingredients in one big bowl

    Pic. 2: Add in water

    Pic. 3: Fry them... 

    Pic. 4: Enjoy the jemput with chilli sauce 

    This is the simplest food that you can prepare in the afternoon. The ingredients are basically in our kitchen all the time. Let's take a look at the ingredients. 

    1. 1 hand-full of ikan bilis
    2. 1 onion (big one)
    3. 1/2 cup of water
    4. a pinch of sugar
    5. 1 potatoes (slice thinly) 
    6. 1 egg
    7. oil for frying
    8. 2 cups of flour (look at the picture 2  to know the condition of the jemput before frying)
    How to cook it?
    1. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients except water 
    2. If you mix them all, then pour in the water
    3. Using your fingers, pinch only a small amount of the mixture (see picture  3)
    4. Serve it with chilli sauce 

    spaghetti carbonara

     I prepare this dish since I want to taste how is it like to eat spaghetti carbonara. My student told me tha it is delicious and easy to prepare. He said when you try it, please bring it to the class. I said why not, let me give it a try. So, two days before the semester was over, I cooked the dish. I prepare the dish for the students in the class. They are only 8 students in the section. I hope they enjoyed it.

    1. 1 packet of spaghetti
    2. prego carbonara sauce
    3. some chicken (cut into small pieces)
    4. a little bit of mince meat
    5. 1 can of mushroom. Cut thinly (I use ayam brand)
    6. 4 pieces of cheese 
    7. oil for frying  
    8. A  packet of meat ball 
    Preparation procedure:
    1. Boil spaghetti. Seive it and put it aside
    2. In a wok,  pour in oil
    3. Then, add in the meat ball, mince meat* and chicken*
    4. After they* are tender, add in the sliced mushroom 
    5. Then add in the cheese. Ensure that the cheese melted before you turn of the stove
    ~I didn't use salt since cheese is the substitute for the ingredient.

    13 November 2011

    Kek Buah Campuran Paling Simple

    Kek ini dibuat masa hari raya aidilfitri lepas. Senang sgt since tak yah guna telor.. tapi syaratnya bahan-bahan 1-4 perlu disimpan dlm freezer semalaman. Menarik kan resepi ni? Resepi ni copy paste di My Resipi.
      1. 250gm butter 
      2. 1 tin kecil susu pekat manis
      3. 1 kotak mixed fruit
      4. 1 cawan air masak
      5. 3 cawan tepung gandum*
      6. 1 biji oren diambil jus dalam 1/2 cawan* (gunakan shj cordial sunquick, worse come to worse case)
      7. 1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat*
      Cara Penyediaan
      1. Campur butter, susu pekat, mixed fruit dan air masak dalam periuk. Masak atas api perlahan hingga cair semua. Angkat dan biar sebentar, masukkan dalam fridge semalaman. 
      2. Keluarkan dan biar dalam 1 jam. Lepas tu campurkan dengan semua bahan bertanda *. Kacau dengan senduk, sebati.
      3. Masukkan dlm loyang yg dialas kertas gris. 
      4. Bakar hingga masak ikut oven. Lbh kurang 30-40 min.
      Nota kaki dr pemilik resipi: 
      Simpan semlmn supaya jus dr buah tu meresap skalik..warna kek pun perang sbb kismis dan adunan ni agak pekat, jgn risau. Buah2 pun sekata, x mendap..

      p/s: kek ni lembap sedikit.

      Rendang ayam tanpa kerisik

      Buat aidil fitri tahun ni..

      rendang ni tak pedas elok utk bdk2 mkn pagi raya  

      Rendang ni pakai main campak2 je bhn kat dlm kuali. Hubby mintak buat sate goreng tapi sy tak terasa plak nak makan daging. Jd sy buatkan ni khas utk diri sendiri n anak2.


      1. 1 ekor ayam-dipotong dlm 12 bahagian kecil2 
      2. 10 ulas bawang merah *
      3. 4 ulas bawang putih *
      4. 5 biji cili *
      5. 1 inci halia *
      6. 2-3 sdb cili giling/ cili boh 
      7. 1 inci lengkuas *
      8. 1/2 inci kunyit hidup *
      9. 2 batang serai dititik (nak lebih lbh pun xpe)
      10. 2 helai daun kunyit dihiris halus (kalu ada...utk aromanya)
      11. 4 cawan santan pekat
      12. sedikit garam
      13. minyak utk menumis 
      Bahan bertanda * perlu diblend

      Cara memasak:

      1. Panaskan kuali 
      2. Letakkan sedikit minyak utk menumis 
      3. Masukkan bahan2 yg * kedalam minyak yg telah panas
      4. Biarkan naik baunya 
      5. Masukkan ayam 
      6. Masukkan santan + garam (masak hingga mendidih). 
      7. Kemudian campurkan daun kunyit garam.
      8. Masak ayam hingga empuk 

      Biarkan ada kuah sedikit sbb nnt nak hangat/panaskan. Ini perlu sbb bila dah 2-3 kali reheat nnt rendang ni akan jd terlalu kering. Sy tak berapa gemar kalu rendang yg camtu

      Mini pizza

       Here's the only piece of pizza left 

      I always love to use red and green capsicum/bell pepper

      Kek Lapis guna biskut tawar

       Biskut yg telah diblend

       Dah siap disusun dalam tupperware 

      Lepas ni bole masuk dlm peti ais utk elakkan dari berkulat

      Resipi ni sy dah beritau kat dlm entry lepas..

      chicken/ beef curry

      The same procedures are applied to cook chicken/ beef meat 

      For this dish you'll need: 
      1. 1 kg of meat 
      2. 2-3 potatoes 
      3. 1 carrot 
      4. 10 lady fingers 
      5. 6 long beans (cut into small pieces) 
      6. 1 small packet of curry powder of any brand 
      7. salt 
      8. oil 
      9. 1 garlic 
      10. 1 onion 
      11. 3 cups of santan milk (that you've already add in 1 cup of water) 
      12. 1-2 tbsp grind chillies
      13. tumeric peel
      14. 3 clove
      15. 1 cinnamon
      16. 1 cup of water (to boil the potatoes)
      To cook this dish, you'll have to:
      1. In a pot, put the meat that you've already washed. The objective of doing task 1 here at this stage is to dry the water from the meat. It also minimises the time you need cook this simply dish. Put asid.
      2. Then, heat the oil
      3. Saute garlic and onion (use a mortar and pestel to mash these ingredients), ingredients 13  & 14
      4. Add in the curry powder and grind chillies. Wait for a minute or two (until you can see the oil surfaces the ingredients (i.e. curry powder and grind chillies)
      5. Add water and add in potatoes. Cook until the potatoes are tender. Also, ensure that the water is not that much (after the potatoes are tender). This is to ease further process. 
      6. Add in meat 
      7. Finally, add in coconut milk 
      8. Turn off the stove 
      9. Add in salt. Stir it a little bit, then this dish is ready to be served. 

      Sohon masak air campur telur

       sohon yg digunakan 

      sohon yg dihidangkan 

      Masak lauk ni sgt senang. Apa yg diperlukan adalah sohon (ikut suka byk mana nk letak). Sy guna stgh plastik. Rendamkan dahulu sohon tu. Sementara tu bole potong sayur2. Cthnya karot, cauliflower, dan pelbagai sayur lain, n last skali gunakan lada (kalu suka utk warnanya). Dah siap bhn ni dipotong, mayangkan bawang besar n bawang putih. Ambil kuali, masukkan sedikit minyak utk menumis. Apabila minyak dah panas, masukkan masukkan bawang besar n bawang putih tu td. Dah naik aromanya, letakkan segelas atau 2-3 gelas air. Biarkan ia sedikit menggelegak barulah letakkan sayur2 tu semua. Matikan api, kemudian baru ltk garam. p/s: Ada org suka ltk gula tetapi sy mmg tak suka...ntah, tak bole pergi ler..

      12 November 2011

      daging masak kicap

       Ready to be eaten...

      wait until it dries a little bit before turning off the stove

      this recipe is a combination of Fried beef with ginger and  Meat with sweet soy bean sauce... Combine the ingredients in both recipes and you'll have a dish like this.

      Sate goreng

      I have this recipe written in my previous post here.

      kuah nasi impit

      kuah kacang makan ngan nasi impit 

      dah siap terhidang

      Resepi wajib hari raya...jom semak bahan2 nyer n camner nak buat.


      1. 1kg kacang tanah
      2. 2 batang serai
      3. 1inci halia &lengkuas (ketuk2 manja)
      4. 3 senduk gula atau ikut suka
      5. 1 mangkuk air asam jawa-bancuh cair
      6. 20 tangkai cili kering
      7. 1/3 belacan
      8. 20 ulas bawang merah kecil
      9. 3 senduk minyak masak
      10. sedikit garam 
      cara nak masak
      1. Goreng kacang dengan minyak hingga kuning angkat toskan.
      2. Goreng cili kering, baw.merah,belacan hingga naik bau jgn lama sgt
      3. Serai, lengkuas, halia di mesin ambik airnya sahaja.
      4. Kesemua bahan ini di mesin dan disatukan dlm satu mangkuk.
      5. Air asam jawa dibancuh cair masukan ke dlm mangkuk tadi dan di gaul hingga sebati.
      6. Masukkan minyak tunggu hingga minyak panas dan masukkan bahan tadi kacau hingga pecah minyak. perlahankan api.
      7. Masukkan gula dan garam ikut suka selera. Keluarga di rumah ni suka manis buah 

      Rendang puyuh campur maman

       daun maman RM1

       daun maman yg telah disiap siang. basuh bersih2 sbb byk pasir 

       tumiskan bhn2 yg telah dimesin

      dah siap... 

      Ini adaah gambar2 yg disnap masa tgh masak rendang tu. Tak jadi sgt sebab maman tu pahit. Kata akak (my sister in-law) tak yah gaul maman lama2 sgt. I supposed I didn't stir it that long.And lg satu, in the early stage, I put quite a lot of tamarind peel (asam keping/ asam gelugor). Due to 'panic attack', I remove them from the wok. Akak commented I was not supposed to remove it. Anyway, here's the recipe:

      1. 5 ekor puyuh sederhana besar 
      2. santan (RM2)
      3. 3 batang serai
      4. 25 biji cili api (merah dan hijau)
      5. kunyit hidup 
      6. 2 biji bawang 
      7. garam
      8. pucuk maman 1ikat
      9. daun kunyit
      10. kerisik(optional)
      11. 5 keping asam keping 
      12. minyak utk menumis 
      Prosedur penyediaan:
        1. Bersihkan puyuh (dibeli dipasaraya) 
        2. bahan-bahan no. 2-5 di mesin.
        3. Dalam kuali, masukkan minyak
        4. Tumiskan bhn2 yang dimesin td.
        5. apabila telah bahan2 naik minyak, letakkan puyuh
        6. biarkan rendang sdikit kering baru msukkan pucuk maman 
        7. sedia dihidangkan bersama ketupat nasi
        Note: the recipe here is adapted from MyResipi website

          Nasi dagang 'Eid Adha-A reminiscence of my late mother; Hajah Semekkah Sulaiman

           My mother always put the nasi dagang in a basin. Its much easier to stir after you pour in the coconut milk

           The gravy... i use ikan tongkol. Just like my late mother use to make

          A plate of nasi dagang 

          My late mother (and father) were from Terengganu. In the state, nasi dagang is one of the main menus that many Malay house holds serve for their guess during eid adha or eid fitri. I always love to eat nasi dagang, partially because I like to eat fish (I use ikan tongkol or tuna fish for the gravy). I remembered that I used to help my mother stirring the nasi dagang after she poured-in the coconut milk. I could still remember the aroma. And it was only these special days that I could eat the nasi dagang prepared by mother. She never (as long as I could remember) missed to prepare it on these days.

          When I was working (and still not married then), I used to accompany her to the market (Pasar Besar) in Kuantan. I would buy all the ingredients after I listed them on a paper. Since she was not able to walk fast (as she told me so), she often waited in the car. I would find the ingredients she requested in all the sections in the market. You can just imagine, I would be carrying more than 2 big plastic bags of the nasi dagang's ingredients (of course with some others as well) from the market to a few blocks of buildings where I parked my father's car. They were surely heavy, but I knew that was only tiny little sacrifice I did for her.

          Back in the house, she would be busy washing the fish and doing other stuffs. I only helped her in the last stage of preparing the nasi dagang- only after she poured in the santan/ coconut milk. My task was only to mix the santan with the rice. Hence, I regret that I didn't ask her how she prepared the nasi dagang. Her care in preparing all good food, motivating my academic and career en devour, was a sacrifice of a true mother eventhough she was only a housewife (and never been to schools). Al fatihah to my late father and mother~ Hajah Semekkah Sulaiman & Haji Ali bin Jusuh.

          In my entire life, this is the first time I cook nasi dagang- on eid adha 2011. So, for the recipe, I had it from Chef Hanieliza's blog. Thanks to her for sharing the recipe. By the way, I didn't prepare acar timun. It uses vinegar in which my husband is allergic to it. Anyway, below is the recipe.


          600 gm cawan beras
          100 gm beras pulut
          30 gm halba
          400 ml air
          400 ml santan pekat
          garam secukup rasa

          Bahan utk DiMayang
          5 ulas bawang merah
          4 cm halia
          5 gm serbuk jintan
          80 gm cili mesin
          4 ulas bawang kecil [tumbuk halus]
          3 cm lengkuas [tumbuk kasar]
          500 santan pekat
          30 gm gula merah
          30 gm kerisik
          50 ml air asam jawa
          minyak unyuk tumis
          cili api dan belimbing buluh

          Cara memasak:
          1. Tumiskan bawang sehingga wangi. Masukkan cili dan rempah yang dibancuh dgn sedikit air asam jawa. Biarkan garing.
          2. Masukkan rebusan ikan dan santan. Biarkan mendideh.
          3. Perlahan api dan masukkan kerisik, gula merah, belimbing buluh dan cili api.
          4. Biarkan api perlahan-lahan sehingga gulai naik minyak.
          Cara-cara membuatnya
          1.Beras dan pulut disatukan dan dibasuh. Rendamkan.
          2. Toskan dan masukkan dalam kukusan yg berlubang
          3. Kukuskan sehingga naik wap.
          4. Keluarkan beras dan masukkan dalam mangkuk.
          5. Siramkan dengan air dan kacau rata.
          6. Masukkan semula beras dalam kukusan berlubang.
          7. Taburkan hirisan halia dan bawang dan kukus sekali lagi sehingga naik wap.
          8. Masukkan dalam mangkuk besar dan siramkan dengan santan yg telah digaulkan garam.
          9. Gaulkan rata dan hidangkan bersama gulai nasi dagang dan acar

          Jika tiada pulut boleh gunakan beras wangi AAA.
          Rendamkan 2-3 jam dan toskan.

          Gulai Ikan Tongkol


          1.5 kg ikan tongkol ]
          50 gm asam keping ] potong...bersih dan rebuskan
          garam secukupnya ]
          60 gm rempah kari ikan
          10 gm serbuk ketumbar

          Cara memasak:
          1. Tumiskan bawang sehingga wangi. Masukkan cili dan rempah yang dibancuh dgn sedikit air asam jawa. Biarkan garing.
          2. Masukkan rebusan ikan dan santan. Biarkan mendideh.
          3. Perlahan api dan masukkan kerisik, gula merah, belimbing buluh dan cili api.
          4. Biarkan api perlahan-lahan sehingga gulai naik minyak.

          Masak Asam Pedas Ikan tenggiri

           The Vietnamese leaves...the aroma is sooo good ..

          I like to put a lot of Vietnamese leaves when I cook this lauk/dish

          The recipe for this dish is in my former entry. Do try them.... ikan tenggiri is quite expensive. A slice cost RM6 something. I cooked only 2 slices. You can always store the dish that you've cooked in the freezer. Put in a nice container, and when you want to eat, then defrost it.

          nasi tomato dan ayam masak merah

          Nasi tomato ..dihidangkan dgn ayam masak merah. Alas dgn daun pisang 

          Ayam masak merah

          nasi tomato setelah dicampur dgn bahan hiasan

          A) Bahan2 utk buat nasi
          1. 1 kg beras Faeza basmathi - cuci dan toskan
          2. 300 g ayam/isi ayam - potong kecil
          3. 1100 ml air
          4. 8 biji tomato buah - dicincang halus
          5. 4 sb tomato puri
          6. 1 1/4 cawan susu sejat
          7. 3/4 cawan minyak sapi/majerin
          8. garam secukup rasa 
          (i) Bahan yg perlu dimesin
          1. 3 biji bawang besar
          2. 15 ulas bawang putih
          3. 1 ibujari halia
          (ii) Bahan2 yg digunakan utk menumis
          1. 8 kuntum bunga cengkih
          2. 8 biji pelaga
          3. 3 inc. kulit kayu manis
          4. 4 batang serai - dititik
          5. 3 helai daun pandan - disimpul 
          (ii) Bahan2 yg digunakan utk menghias nasi tomato 
          1. daun sup
          2. daun bawang
          3. bawang goreng
          4. gajus goreng
          5. kismis hitam  
          6. 1 tin kecil kacang peas 

          Cara penyediaan
          1. Air dan ayam direbus hingga ayam empuk,toskan ayamnya dan ketepikan.
          2. Panaskan minyak dalam periuk dan tumis bahan tumis hingga wangi dan masukkan bahan2 kisar dan tumis hingga garing.Masukkan pula tomato buah dan tomato puri dan kacau hingga rata.
          3. Masukkan pila air rebusan ayam dan susu cair dan biarkan mendidih lalu masukka beras dan masak hingga hampir kering.Masukkan ayam tadi dan garam secukup rasa dan kacau hingga sebati.Tutup periuk dan kecilkan api dan masak hingga nasi tomato ayam tanak.
          4. Matikan api.Taburhan dgn 1/2 bahagian bahan hiasan dan serihkan nasi perlahan2.
          5. Taburkan lebihan bahan hiasan di atas nasi ketika menghidang 
          B) Ayam Masak Merah


          1.  1/2 ekor ayam
          2. sedikit garam kunyit
          3. 4-5 biji cili kering
          4. 1 cm halia
          5. 2 ulas bawang putih
          6. 1 labu bawang besar
          7. 1 biji tomato-potong dadu
          8. 1/2 cawan sos tomato
          (ii) Bahan2 yg digunakan utk menghias ayam masak merah
          1. 1/2 biji bawang besar- potong bulat
          2. kacang hijau secukupnya 

          Cara penyediaan
          1. Bersih ayam. Potong kecil-kecil dan gaul dengan garam kunyit. Goreng sehingga 2/3 masak
          2. Tumis bahan kisar kecuali sos tomato dan tomato sehingga naik bau. Kemudian barulah dimasukkan sos dan buah tomato. Tumis sehingga naik minyak.
          3. Masukkan ayam. Biar kuah jadi pekat. Sekali sekala hendaklah digaul balikkan.
          4. Bila kuah dah pekat bolehlah masuk bahan-bahan hias. Biar 1-2 minit. Kemudian padamkan api.

          Shitake mushroom and mix vegetable soup

          1. 3 baby corn 
          2. 5 pieces of shitake mushroom (soak for a while in water)
          3. a little bit of cauliflower
          4. 1 carrot 
          5. 1 cube of magee mee chicken paste 
          6. 2 cups of water 
          7. a little bit of salt
          8. 1 garlic - chop finely
          9. 1/2 onion  - chop finely
          10. 2-3 tbsp of oil to saute ingredients 8 & 9
          11. sohon (if you like) 
          1. In a wok, pour oil
          2. when the oil is hot, add in garlic and onion 
          3. after a sec. or two, add in onion and garlic
          4. let for a while until you can smell the aroma of onion n garlic 
          5. then pour water 
          6. while until water is boiled before you add in all the vegetables n shitake mushroom
          7. turn off the stove 
          8. finally, add in sohon