
12 November 2011

Nasi dagang 'Eid Adha-A reminiscence of my late mother; Hajah Semekkah Sulaiman

 My mother always put the nasi dagang in a basin. Its much easier to stir after you pour in the coconut milk

 The gravy... i use ikan tongkol. Just like my late mother use to make

A plate of nasi dagang 

My late mother (and father) were from Terengganu. In the state, nasi dagang is one of the main menus that many Malay house holds serve for their guess during eid adha or eid fitri. I always love to eat nasi dagang, partially because I like to eat fish (I use ikan tongkol or tuna fish for the gravy). I remembered that I used to help my mother stirring the nasi dagang after she poured-in the coconut milk. I could still remember the aroma. And it was only these special days that I could eat the nasi dagang prepared by mother. She never (as long as I could remember) missed to prepare it on these days.

When I was working (and still not married then), I used to accompany her to the market (Pasar Besar) in Kuantan. I would buy all the ingredients after I listed them on a paper. Since she was not able to walk fast (as she told me so), she often waited in the car. I would find the ingredients she requested in all the sections in the market. You can just imagine, I would be carrying more than 2 big plastic bags of the nasi dagang's ingredients (of course with some others as well) from the market to a few blocks of buildings where I parked my father's car. They were surely heavy, but I knew that was only tiny little sacrifice I did for her.

Back in the house, she would be busy washing the fish and doing other stuffs. I only helped her in the last stage of preparing the nasi dagang- only after she poured in the santan/ coconut milk. My task was only to mix the santan with the rice. Hence, I regret that I didn't ask her how she prepared the nasi dagang. Her care in preparing all good food, motivating my academic and career en devour, was a sacrifice of a true mother eventhough she was only a housewife (and never been to schools). Al fatihah to my late father and mother~ Hajah Semekkah Sulaiman & Haji Ali bin Jusuh.

In my entire life, this is the first time I cook nasi dagang- on eid adha 2011. So, for the recipe, I had it from Chef Hanieliza's blog. Thanks to her for sharing the recipe. By the way, I didn't prepare acar timun. It uses vinegar in which my husband is allergic to it. Anyway, below is the recipe.


600 gm cawan beras
100 gm beras pulut
30 gm halba
400 ml air
400 ml santan pekat
garam secukup rasa

Bahan utk DiMayang
5 ulas bawang merah
4 cm halia
5 gm serbuk jintan
80 gm cili mesin
4 ulas bawang kecil [tumbuk halus]
3 cm lengkuas [tumbuk kasar]
500 santan pekat
30 gm gula merah
30 gm kerisik
50 ml air asam jawa
minyak unyuk tumis
cili api dan belimbing buluh

Cara memasak:
1. Tumiskan bawang sehingga wangi. Masukkan cili dan rempah yang dibancuh dgn sedikit air asam jawa. Biarkan garing.
2. Masukkan rebusan ikan dan santan. Biarkan mendideh.
3. Perlahan api dan masukkan kerisik, gula merah, belimbing buluh dan cili api.
4. Biarkan api perlahan-lahan sehingga gulai naik minyak.
Cara-cara membuatnya
1.Beras dan pulut disatukan dan dibasuh. Rendamkan.
2. Toskan dan masukkan dalam kukusan yg berlubang
3. Kukuskan sehingga naik wap.
4. Keluarkan beras dan masukkan dalam mangkuk.
5. Siramkan dengan air dan kacau rata.
6. Masukkan semula beras dalam kukusan berlubang.
7. Taburkan hirisan halia dan bawang dan kukus sekali lagi sehingga naik wap.
8. Masukkan dalam mangkuk besar dan siramkan dengan santan yg telah digaulkan garam.
9. Gaulkan rata dan hidangkan bersama gulai nasi dagang dan acar

Jika tiada pulut boleh gunakan beras wangi AAA.
Rendamkan 2-3 jam dan toskan.

Gulai Ikan Tongkol


1.5 kg ikan tongkol ]
50 gm asam keping ] potong...bersih dan rebuskan
garam secukupnya ]
60 gm rempah kari ikan
10 gm serbuk ketumbar

Cara memasak:
1. Tumiskan bawang sehingga wangi. Masukkan cili dan rempah yang dibancuh dgn sedikit air asam jawa. Biarkan garing.
2. Masukkan rebusan ikan dan santan. Biarkan mendideh.
3. Perlahan api dan masukkan kerisik, gula merah, belimbing buluh dan cili api.
4. Biarkan api perlahan-lahan sehingga gulai naik minyak.

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