
09 July 2011

Fried potatoes with black pepper sauce n Sohon soup

Ini masakan yg amik apa yg tinggal didlm fridge utk habiskan stok barang makanan dlm bulan lepas. Ada kentang, hati, karot (yg dah layu) dan sedikit daging. Ada juga sohon yang berbaki. Mari tgk apa yg boleh dibuat dgn bahan2 ni.

Fried potatoes with black pepper sauce

  1. 1/2 batang karot 
  2. 2 biji kentang 
  3. 3 sdb sauce black pepper (I use Sarawak black pepper sauce available in Giant supermarket)
  4. minyak utk menggoreng
  5. onion and garlic (the quantity is as as you wish)
  6. sedikit hati ayam 
  7. 1/2 kg daging lembu
Cara penyediaan:
  1. Potong kentang dan karot cara memanjang (lihat foto). Yet, it depends on you of how you want to slice these veg. 
  2. Boil the chicken liver and the meat. Slice thinly. Set aside
  3. In a wok, saute garlic and onion 
  4. Add black pepper sauce
  5. Add the chicken liver and the meat u've boiled earlier
  6. Turn off the heat once all the ingredients are all mixed
Sohun Soup


  1. 1 handful sohon 
  2. 1/2 handful pepper
  3. onion and garlic
  4. 1 cup of water 
  5. oil for cooking 
  1. In a wok, pour in the oil to saute the onion and garlic 
  2. Add water
  3. Add sohon 
  4. turn-off the heat
Simple aren't they?

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