
02 July 2011

cekodok udang

Cekodok udang is  a simple dish for breakfast or afternoon tea for many Malay households. Lets take a look at the ingredients and how to prepare it.

  1. 2 cups of flour 
  2. 1 cup of prawn 
  3. 1/2 carrot (since i have small kids, i don't use chilli like other recipe. Objective is to attract them to eat vegetable
  4. 6 tbsp of HOT (i meant this: the purpose is to ensure the tenderness of the cekodok) water
  5. 1/2 cup of water 
  6. salt 
  7. oil for frying
  1. Slice carrot (cubes)
  2. In a bowl, put the flour, salt, carrot, HOT water then only water (from the tap) 
  3. Stir them. If the mixture is too hard, add water. Contrarily, add flour when it's u think it's too watery (x think of a better word)
  4. Add prawns 
  5. Use your hands to take the mixture in a small quantity and onto the wok it goes for frying

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