
06 February 2011

Kek lapis masam manis (Layered sweet 'n' sour cake)

During the recent Chinese New Year, my brother in law's (thereafter Abg Zul) sister from Johor paid a visit to his house. She is a really cooking master regardless of dishes. Baking cakes is one of her specialities besides making curry puffs, really soft doughnuts and lot more. In fact, all of Abg Zul's sibling can cook. Since she was in Pekan, I had the chance to ask her how she baked kek lapis that she bought that day. The recipe here was written while we're having afternoon tea. I followed eveything that she said. These include covering the steamer with cloth as you can see in the first photo. Also, putting the layers in plastic bags as to ease baking. You need to cut at one of the corners of the plastic bag.  

One thing I need to state here was that I used cream cracker biscuit. Supposedly, 'biskut tawar' was to be used. Due to that, the cake was a little bit oily. Earlier she told me that I could substitute 'biskut tawar' with biskut marie. Frankly speaking I didn't like the latter that much.  'Biskut tawar' can be purchased at the retail shop or kedai runcit. Below is the ingredients and the preparation procedures as was told by Abg Zul's sister. p/s: I didn't have the chance to snap the photo showing the layers of the cake. All were hubby ate only two small slices of the cake.
The steamer that was covered with cloth

The second layer with haw flakes on top before steaming it 

Plastic bags use to load layers

Here's the cake.

The ingredients and the preparation procedures was told by Abg Zul sister's in her words as can be seen below. So, I think it has to remain as such.
2 buku butter
2 cawan biskut tawar (blend and sieve. Blending is a must but you may omit sieving it)
10 biji telur (seperate white and yolk)
2 cawan gula halus
6 sdb susu pekat
2 sdb ovalette
4-5 packet of haw flakes
1 sdk even vanilla

Cara penyediaan:
1. Putih telur diputar sampai pekat (please refer to the condition of how the egg has to be in my ealier post i.e. baking carrot cake) 
2. Dalam bekas lain, campurkan kuning telur, ovalette dan gula halus. Putar sampai putih pekat. Asingkan
3. Dalam bekas lain lagi atau ditengah-tengah bancuhan kedua, campurkan butter dan susu
4. Campurkan biskut yg telah di'blend' tadi. Colour 3 warna (refer to the photos above to know what I mean)
5. Panaskan air kukusan
6. Lesekkan loyang dengan marjerin yang telah diletakkan kertas minyak atau 2 keping kertas A4.
7. Taburkan lapisan pertama dan bakar lbh kurang 15 minit utk setiap lapisan.
8. Lakukan lapis demi lapis sehingga adunan habis.
9. Biarkan beberapa ketika sblm dipotong *cautious: avoid eating the cake when it is hot (I really mean it, it's HOT).

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