
12 February 2011

Daging masak lemak

Daging masak lemak without cili padi though the kids won't be eating it. They would be eating the potatoes only. Not worth the effort for the time spent in preparing it. So, the dish is cooked for hubby and myself.

  1.  1/2 kilo meat 
  2. 2 lemon grass
  3. 3 potatoes
  4. 1/2 inch tumeric 
  5. 1-3cups of santan milk (that was already mixed with water)
  6. a pinch of salt
  7. tumeric leave if available 
  8. Mash tumeric.  
Procedure for cooking: 
  1. I used 'lesung batu' to do this 
  2.  In a pot, add in tumeric, santan milk (with water), lemon grass, meat. Cook until meat is tender. It required for about 30-40 min. for the meat to be tender
  3.  Add in potatoes 
  4. Turn off the stove when potatoes are cooked

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