
27 June 2011

Masala Vadai

I just finished frying the masala vadai. The taste was so-so. I supposed it was not the actual masala vadai that I want to make. I made it because I always buy the kuih at the coffee shop nearby where I'm staying. I think it was because of not enough ingredients (for instance corriander) that made it taste quite not to my expectation. It is not crunchy as the one that I bought from the coffee shop. My second son said, "Oh, mom you make nuts' nuggets. Mmm... I don't like it", he said after he tasted one. When I offered it to the youngest; Hakim he said, "na..nak" (means"tak nak"/don't want). It was a little bit spicy. All the kids are not in school since my eldest have his cuti peristiwa (official school holiday because of sport day that was held on Sunday i.e. yesterday). So, I didn't send the two to the kindy. Anyway, here's the recipe that I used to make the masala vadai.

  1. 1/2 cup of dhal (the nuts)
  2. 20 curry leaves
  3. salt
  4. 2 tbsp curry powder
  5. 5 dried chillies
  6. oil for frying    
  7. 1/2 cup of flour (to make the shape of the masala vadai)

Cooking procedure:
  1. blend the dhal. Set the mixture aside
  2. slice thinly curry leaves and dried chillies 
  3. using your fingers, take a little bit of the mixture and make a little ball shape 
  4. then press it. So you'll have a shape of a coin    
  5. heat oil  and fry the masala vadai

24 June 2011

Hakim's birthday story

I bought a cake for Hakim on his second birthday since time was not by my side to bake one. Buying the cake turned up to be a frustration to me. I asked the bakery girl to write, "Hakim was 2". I wrote this sentence on a piece of paper. I was not sure why she wrote it that way because I wrote clearly. I also didn't bother to take a look at it before giving the money to the girl. It was only that night when we want to celebrate/ eat the cake that I noticed that it was written "Hakim wan 2". Anyway, Hakim is already 2 years old. He has his favourite song namely the phonic songs, aaa apple, bbb ball.. it's in the U tube.

nasi arab, kuah dal dan ayam tandoori

Dalam entry ni ada 3 masakan yg dibuat. Since amik gambar skaligus, makanyer kena tulis 3 resepi kat sini. Sebenarnyer teringin nak buat ayam tandoori je cerita asal. Lepas tu berkembang kepada nak buat kuah utk dimakan dgn ayam. Tapi bila ada kuah mesti kena cari nasi pulakkan? Sebab tu ler cari resepi masak nasi arab plak. Jom tgk pe yg kena ada utk buat ayam tandoori dl, ok?

Ayam tandoori
Bahan yg diperlukan utk bakar ayam tandoori:
  1. rempah segera ayam tandoori (jenis magee atau sbgnya). I planned to make the ingredients on my own. Since there are too many things to buy, I resort to sth which is much easier i.e. prepackage tandoori paste). It's a bumiputera's product made from Kelantan.
Cara masak:
  1. ada 2 plastik dlm pes segera yg dibeli ni. Ianya adalah campuran tumeric, bwg besar n bwg kecil and few other things (I tak buka pun dia punyer plastik. Cuma baca instruction kat luar. Instruction tu kata perapkan ayam, I thought biasa ler, I made my own bancuhan utk perapkan ayam tu) gunakan bancuhan dlm plastik ni. Perap selama 40 mins 
  2. Masak sekejap dlm 20 mins utk 'mesrakan' bahan tadi dalam oven (suhu 170)
  3. Keluarkan balik semula and lumurkan pula bancuhan dalam pek kedua. This is the actual tandoori paste (mixture of onions, lengkuas n some other things)
  4. Roast for another 30 minutes before turning off the oven

Kuah Dal


Bahan hiris:
  1. 2 ulas bawang putih
  2. 1/2 biji bawang merah
  3. 1 cm halia

Bahan tumbuk:
  1. 2 ulas bawang putih
  2. 1/2 biji bawang merah
  3. 1 cm halia
  4. 1 kulit kayu manis
  5. 5 biji buah pelaga
  6. 5 biji bunga cengkih
  7. minyak secukupnya
  8. 2 sudu besar rempah kari daging
  9. 1 1/2 sudu kecil serbuk jintan manis
  10. 1 sudu kecil serbuk jintan putih
  11. air asam jawa secukup rasa
  12. 1/2 cawan kacang dhal (direndam seketika)
  13. sayur2an eg: ubi kentang, bendi, terung, tomato (these r my fav.You may substitue with other vege.)
  14. santan
  15. garam secukup rasa
Cara masak:
  1. Hiris semua bahan hiris dan ketepikan. Sediakan rempah2 seperti di atas. Potong sayur
  2. Gaulkan rempah kari daging, serbuk jintan manis dan serbuk jintan putih di dalam sebiji mangkuk dan tambah sedikit air (utk buat paste dia)
  3. Panaskan minyak di dalam periuk.
  4. Masukkan bahan hiris dan tumis.
  5. Masukkan kulit kayu manis, buah pelaga dan bunga cengkih. Tumis hingga naik bau dan kekuningan.
  6. Masukkan rempah kari daging kemudian santan n last air asam jawa
  7. Setelah sedikit menggelegak (make sure santan jgn pecah minyak nnt tak menarik rupanyer) masukkan kesemua sayur2. Begin with delicate ones first (ubi kentang, terung, bendi n finally tomato)
  8. Tutupkan api 

Nasi Arab  

Berkenaan dgn nasi ayam ni, tak ikut sgt resepi sebenarnya. Pakai main campak jer bhn2 yg ada. Basically you'll need:

  1.  I cawan beras biasa. Toskan n put aside (actual recipe beras basmathi)
  2. 2 sdb jintan manis
  3. 3 sdb mentega/ marjerin utk menumis (original recipe uses minyak sapi)
  4. rempah 3 beradik
  5. 1/2 tin kecil kacang pes
  6. 2-3 sdb kismis
  7. 3 sudu serbuk ketumbar
  8. minyak untuk menumis
  9. 1 ulas bwg besar (ditumbuk)
  10. 3 ulas bwg putih (ditumbuk)
  11. 1 1/2 cawan air (gunakan cawan yg anda gunakan utk sukat beras). Precautios measure to ensure nasi tak antah 
Aturan memasak:
  1. Dalam rice cooker, letakkan mentega
  2. Masukkan rempah 3 beradik, bwg putih n bwg besar  
  3. Masukkan beras
  4. Gaulkan sedikit
  5. Masukkan air
  6. Tutup  rice cooker
  7. Taburkan kacang peas dan kismis utk hiasan
There you have it. I am not a cook but I supposed the dishes I made that night was "eatable". The kids liked the nasi and my hubby preferred ayam tandoori. Since the kuah dalca contained vegetable- that would be my favourite. Dah nak masuk maghrib bila siapkan menulis entry ni. Td pg tulis sikit pastu sambung. Ada kenduri kawin ari ni. so, kerja berperingkat2. Anyway, enjoy trying n cooking the recipes.

Chicken curry with vegetable

Wonder what to cook for dinner today. Since akhir2 bln ni, abiskan brg2 yg ada kat dlm fridge jer. So, ada ayam n sedikit sayur2an sblm beli brg keperluan utk seminggu. Jadi mlm smlm masak curry ayam jer. Bebudak ni makan curry ayam ngan kicap jugak sbb nak imbangkan rasa pedasnya tu. Jom tgk masak curry ayam yg sgt simple dimple ni. Tak suka duk lama2 kat dapur. Bila masak pastikan seme kerja bereskan dgn cepat2..pastu nak tgk anak skolah lg.. maksudnyer kerja umah diorg. All these need to be done before going to bed. since dlm masakan ini jg ada sayur2an so, tak yah buang masa, buat another lauk. Jom tgk bhn2 nyer:

  1. 1/2 ekor daging ayam
  2. 7-8 btg bendi
  3. 2 biji tomato
  4. 1 terung bulat (ikut suka ler kalu tak nak tak yah)
  5. 1 biji kentang dibelah empat
  6. 1 tumeric peel/ asam gelugor
  7. salt
  8. santan 2 cawan (tak pekat sgt)
  9. minyak utk menggoreng
  10. 2 sdb cili giling (cili blend) atau
  11. rempah tiga beradik
  12. 1 inci kayu manis
  13. 1 biji cili besar
  14. 2 biji bawang putih
  15. 1/2 cawan air (utk empukkan daging n kentang)
  16. 2 sdb kari powder

Cara masak
  1. Panaskan minyak
  2. masukkan cili besar dan bwg putih yg telah ditumbuk
  3. biarkan seketika utk naik bau bwg putih and bawang besar
  4. masukkan rempah 3 beradik
  5. masukkan rempah kari
  6. masukkan air (jgn banyak sgt just enough to make the potatoes and daging ayam to be tender)
  7. letakkan daging n kentang
  8. Biarkan seketika utk ayam dan kentang empuk
  9. letakkan santan
  10. cepat2 taruk sayur. jgn masak sayur terlalu lama. Masukkan terung dl dan last tomato and bendi. Ini utk pastikan sayur2 ni ranggup. Pas2 tu tutup ler api
  11. Wokey...dah siap utk dihidangkan
Selamat mencuba.

Udang masak pedas manis

This is another simple lauk for dinner. Basically, you just "throw" the ingredients in the wok, and you'll have this lauk that you can serve for your family. Preparation brief as you can imagine. Things you need are listed below

  1. 1/2 to 1 kg prawns
  2. some grind chillies
  3. 2 big onions
  4. some garlics
  5. water for cooking
  6. some chilli sauce (2-3 tbsp or so)
  7. some soya sauce (2-3 tbsp or so)
  8. some water (1/2 to 1 small cup)
  9. 1 asam keping/ asam gelugor (tamarind peel)
Procedure for cooking:
  1. In a wok, put the oil
  2. Saute oinion and garlic
  3. Add in prawns let it tender for a few second (don't over cook)
  4. Add in big oinions that you've thinly sliced
  5. Add in chilli sauce and soy sauce
  6. Add in water
Easy, eh? You bet!

Fried Chinese mustard with egg

Fried chinese mustard is suitable for lauk or simply it can be eaten with rice. Also, it is suitable if you want to eat it just like that. I made this as a lauk for dinner the other day. Usually, I didn't add eggs, yet, there are plenty of eggs in the fridge. My late mother also cooked chinese mustard this way. The kids do not like it to eat the vege. that much and therefore I sometimes finish it all by myself. Let's take a look at the ingredients:


  1. A handfull of chinese mustard
  2. One egg
  3. One red chilli
  4. One onion or 3 small onions
  5. One garlic
  6. Salt
  7. Oil for cooking
Procedure for cooking:

  1. Saute the onion and garlic
  2. Add chinese mustard
  3. Cook for a while, then add inn egg
  4. Don't stir the egg yet. You need to wait for a couple of seconds before stirring it (if you see that the white egg is nearly cooked then you may stir)
  5. Add salt and chilli
  6. Turn-off the heat

Sambal Kuinin

Entry ni nak segera dipublish since sambal ni dah lama dah dibuat. Sambal kuinin is another condiment that is made that can be eaten with rice. Skrg kan musim buah mempelam.. so beli kat pasar malam itu hari utk dijadikan side dish (not sure whether the term is correct or otherwise). Anyway, since hubby takleh makan nasi tanpa sambal, so kena sediakan jugakler. Sambal ni paling senang nak buat since kita perlukan hanya:

  1. Kuinin sebiji saja dah cukup
  2. Cili kecil dalam 3 biji. Kalu nak pedas tambahkan saja. Make sure kuantiti kuinin juga ditambahkan, yek?
  3. Gula and garam secukup rasa
  4. Belacan dalam seinci dua (hubby's favourite)
Cara nak buat:

  1. Racik2kan kuinin halus2. Up to u nak racik camner...
  2. Ambil lesung, tumbuk cili, garam, gula n belacan
  3. Masukkan semula kuinin yg telah diracikkan tadi
  4. Ambil sudu utk gaulkan bahan2 i), dan ii) bersama dengan iii)
  5. Dah siap dan dijamukan kepada yg tersayang


22 June 2011

Muffin Cake

This is the recipe I found in a magazine. It's really easy to make the muffin since you just need to have butter and flour. The decoration is all up to you. Since there is cooking rice, I decorate the muffin using what I have..Here's the ingredients. In Malay since the originial is in the language.. sorry for this time around I'm catch-up with something...

The ingredients:
  1. 70g mentega
  2. 2 biji telur
  3. 50g gula halus
  4. 60g tepung gandum
  5. 1 sudu kecil baking powder
  6. Esen vanilla
1.      Masukkan gula, mentega dlm mixer
2.      Kemudian masukkan pula telur satu persatu (one at a time)
3.      Masukkan pula baking powder
4.      Masukkan tepung last skali...sikit2 dalam 3 peringkat
5.      Panaskan over while you pour the mixture dlm loyang pembakar
6.      Set the oven for 170C bake for 20 minutes or so until golden brown.

Spaghetti sauce with lamb meatballs

Masa cuti skolah itu hari pergi ke rumah adik ipar di KL. Sempat masak spaghetti ni utk dijadikan hidangan sblm berangkat balik ke kuantan. Semua bahan ada dlm peti sejuk serta dalam kabinet dapur. So tak teragak2 nak masak. Hanya perlu masak sauce dan terus hidangkan. Lets look at the ingredients:

Sauce for spaghetti:

  1. 1 tin of prego sauce
  2. Ramly minced meat
  3. 3 pieces of cheese
  4. salt (not too much since it will make the sauce salty. The cheese are already salty)
  5.  1 tin of water (use prego's tin to measure the water)
  6. 6 ready-made lamb meatballs (since there are already available in the kitchen)
  7. white pepper (optional)
  8. 1 onion
  9. 1 garlic

Cooking procedure:
  1. In a wok, saute onion and garlic
  2. Add in prego sauce + water
  3. Then add in minced meat
  4. Add in meatballs
  5. Let all the ingredients to be cooked for 7 mins.
  6. Add in salt
  7. Finally add in cheese
  8. The spaghetti is tastier to be eaten while it is still hot 

    the lamb meatballs that I use for this menu..

      the sauce ..still hot and ready to be eaten

      I use Mc Cormick white pepper that can be bought at Giant

      here you are...a plate of spaghetti

      the sauce for the spagetti