
17 May 2011

Only for Haziq's request.. homemade 'basic' pizza

I used pots' covers to lay the dough. The pizzas that were covered  with tomato sauce

The pizzas before putting them in the oven

I made 5 pizzas from the dough (with medium and small covers' pots) 

 I used cheddar cheese in which I spread it on top of the pizzas

My younger son's finger pinching the pizza

Resepi ni amik kat chef Hanileza punyer blog. Tapi dah modify here and there. 80% drp cara memasak ikut step-by-step daripada resepi yg terdapat dalam kotak serbuk mauripan (ada kat mana2 supermarket/ kedai runcit). Tak payah guna tepung berprotein tinggi utk nak buat pizza. Mana nak cari bahan tu kat bandar kecil?

Bahan untuk Pizza
  1. 500 tepung gandum
  2. 1 paket yeast mauripan gaul rata (equals to 11gm)
  3. 2 s/b gula
  4. 1 s/k garam
  5. 3 s/b majerin (I added 3 tbsp of shortening)
  6. 1 cawan air suam
  1.  Gaul rata semua bahan sehingga betul2 lembut.
  2. Tudungkan adunan dgn kain lembab sehingga adunan naik 2 x ganda.
  3. Tumbukkan adunan (untuk mengilangkan angin) dan bahagikan adunan kpd beberapa ketulan.
  4. Bulatkan adunan dan leperkan mengikut besar yang dikehendakki.
  5. Biarkan adunan naik sedikit (lebih kurang 15 minit) dan bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan 180 C selama 10 minit.
  6.  Keluarkan dan taburkan bahan yang disediakan...ikut pilihan yang disukai.
  7. Bakar lagi sehingga nampak keju cheddar cair.

Ingredients for Pizzas topping

  1. 250 gm daging kisar Ramly
  2. 1 bawang besar
  3. 2 ulas bawang putih
  4. 2 biji capsicum sederhana besar
  5. 2 biji tomato
  6. 3/4 parutan cheddar cheese (refer photo above)
  7. 3 s/b cili sos
  8. 1 cawan tomato sos
  9. 1 kiub daging
  10. 1 batang karot (potong dadu)

Cara letakkan atau buat topping:
  1. Potong dadu semua bahan.
  2. Tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih hingga layu.
  3. Masukkan daging kisar capsicum, tomato, kiub daging, karot
  4. Setelah bahan masak lbh kurang 10 minit, toskan airnya.
  5. Ratakan inti atas doh yang sudah di sapukan tomato sos.
  6. Taburkan keju yang telah diparut atau dipotong kecil-kecil atas bahan-bahan no. 5.
  7. Bakar hingga masak dalam suhu 180'C
  8. Taburkan lebihan keju dan bakar sekejap hingga keju cair
  9. Hidangkan.

Pickle Mango (Mempelam jeruk)

The other day, my neigbour i.e Mak Teh gave us a plenty of mangoes. I decided to make pickle mangoes. This is the recipe from my late mother in laws. I made it since my husband requested it. So here's the ingredients:

  1. 8 to 10 mangoes (the mangoes I used were big. I don't know the name of the mangoes. Apologise for being ignorance for not asking Mak Teh of the name of the mango)
  2. 11 table spoon of salt ( I used garam kasar)
  3. 3 cups of water (just enough to cover the mangoes when you put them in a container)
 Preparation procedure:
  1. Wash the mangoes 
  2. In a container, add in the mangoes
  3. Add in water and salt
  4. Keep it in the fridge
For serving: 
  1. Put some pieces of the pickle mangoes in a saucer
  2. Add in 3 teaspoons of water
  3. Add in a little bit of belacan (to your taste and adjust its quantity with the water you use)
  4. Squeeze chillies in the water
  5. Mix these ingredients well 
  6. You can have cucumber to eat with the pickle mango

Homemade Chocolate

 These are some of the homemade chocolate I learned from the class that was organised by Kolej Komuniti Kuantan. It was a two-day class. It started at 9am to 1.30. The cost for the class is only RM20. In fact, you can request for other module for instance cup cake class, pizza and buns classes with the cost fees. REALLY CHEAP, isn't it? You just need to call your nearest community college for the courses they offer. Knowledge is everywhere. It is up to us to learn or to ignore the knowledge. These days, I'm going to try this recipe.

Sambal belacan

The ever simplest sambal belacan that goes perfect with any kind of masak lemak. Whenever I cook sayur lemak, together with it goes the sambal belacan. Here's the recipe:

  1. 2-3 mangoes 
  2. 5 inches of belacan (you may add if you like)
  3. 5 small chillies 
  4. 2-3 table spoon of sugar (you need to adjust the quantity with the amount of chillies)
  5. salt (up to your taste) 
Preparation procedure
  1. Slice the mango into thin pieces. Put aside
  2. Use a mortar and pestle to mix and mash chillies, belacan, sugar and salt 
  3. Add in the mangoes
  4. Mix them well and serve

Apam polka dot for Teacher's Day

 Some of the apams I made. More than 100 pieces of them (with a dough) 

My husband assisted me in printing the small wish cards
(that reads TERIMA KASIH CIKGU & SELAMAT HARI GURU). He helped in packing the apams as well. 

I really admired the colour of the apam when I browsed my friend's facebook account and blog at So, I made these apam. You can click here for this simple recipe. Do try this recipe. It's perfect for door gift or simply for munching in the afternoon. The kids sure love it. 

06 May 2011

Ayam Sumbat Lemon again ...

It was dinner gathering again. And I cooked grilled chicken with lemon for my in-laws. We had FIVE whole chickens that night... they were simply delicious and worth cooking!

Shepard pie

The shepard pie that I cooked for dinner the other day.The recipe is taken from Chief's Hanilieza's cooking book, "Senangnya Memasak Makanan Barat". Note: This recipe was paste from her fotopages. It was a little bit different from the one printed in the book.

500 gm daging kisar RAMLY
1 labu bawang besar [potong dadu]
1 ulas bawang putih [cincang halus]
1 cawan kacang peas
8 biji cendawan tin [belah 4]
5 biji buah tomato masak
1 batang carrot [potong dadu]
1 pokok daun sup [cincang]
1 s/b tepung jagung
1 cawan air bancuhkan
1 s/b lada hitam tumbuk
1 kiub stok daging
2 s/b minyak

Bahan Kentang
1 kg kentang [potong dadu]
1/2 cawan susu segar
2 s/b mentega
garam, serbuk lada sulah
air untuk merebus kentang secukupnya

1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih hingga wangi.
2. Masukkan daging kisar dan cendawan. Kacau rata sehingga daging nampak masak.
3. Masukkan tomato dan semua bahan lain kecuali bancuhan tepung jagung
4. Bila mendidih, masukkan bancuhan tepung jagung dan akcau sehingga masak.5. Angkat dan masukkan dalam mangkuk kaca tahan panas atau pinggan sekiranya nak buat pie dalm mangkuk kecil.
6. Kentang direbus dengan air dan garam sehingga air rebusan kering.
7. Lecek kentang dan gaulkan dengan susu segar, serbuk lada sulah dan mentega.
8. Masukkan sedikit kentang dalam mangkuk aluminium kecil.
9. Masukkan inti dan tutupkan dengan kentang lecek lagi.
10. Bakar dalam oven yg telah dipanaskan 200'C selama 30 minit
11. Sejukkan dan hidangkan (but I like to serve it while it is still hot)

Lemon Ice Tea

 A glass of lemon ice tea 

Refreshing... for a hot weather these days

Hot weather like this makes us thirst for cooling beverage. After I fetched my eldest from school today, I made myself a nice jug of ice lemon tea. Refreshing...I didn't squeeze the lemon but just enough to taste its natural sourness when I add a slice in this glass.Basically what you need are...

  1. 1 lemon 
  2. a sachet of tea 
  3. sugar (according to how sweet you want the tea to be)
  4. ice cubes
Preparation procedure
  1. Boil water
  2. Add in tea and sugar 
  3. Pour tea (with sugar) in a jar 
  4. Add ice cubes

Kerabu mangga

Kerabu mangga ni baru jer buat utk mkn tengahari tadi. Mempelam beli di pasar malam pada minggu lepas. Smlm dah buat sambal belacan dgn mempelam tu. So ari ni utk side dish menu, maka buatlah mango salad ni. Senang saja nak sediakan. Cuma perlukan:
  1. 2 biji mempelam (apa2 mempelam pun takpe.) But i use mempelam apple.
  2. 3-6 btg serai
  3. gula dan garam secukup rasa
  4. 4 biji lada merah and hijau -hiris halus
  5. 6 biji lada kecil-  hiris halus
  6. Segenggam udang kering yang direbus sekejap. Toskan airnya.
  7. 1 hingga 2 biji bawang besar
Racik atau potong halus-halus mempelam tadi. Kemudian potong juga serai halus-halis. Campurkan lada kecil dan besar yang telah dipotong halus. Kemudian campurkan bawang. Tambahkan garam dan gula. Last sekali, tambahkan serai. Gaulkan kesemua bahan sehingga sebati dan hidangkan. My hubby tak suka serai, so dia amik kerabu ni dan buat menu sendiri dengan menambahkan air dan belacan sedikit. Tak tau ler apa rasanyer tapi dia makan habis menu yg diciptanya sendiri tu. Selamat mencubav vv